
  • When a bill has been paid by Parakeet but the FINAL AP CLEARING account entry were not created
  • Some causes include:
    • Discrepancy between Account Codes recorded in Xero vs in Parakeet
    • Parakeet AP Final Clearing Account was 'Locked' (closing books)

1. Create a "Transfer Money" from Parakeet AP Final Clearing  to Parakeet AP INTERIM Clearing

  • Select 'Transfer Money' as per below

2. Enter details of the missed entries provided to you by Parakeet

  • IMPORTANT: Please ensure the correct amount is selected as per below
    • From field: Select Parakeet AP Final Clearing Account
    • To field: Select Parakeet AP Interim Clearing Account
    • Amount and date of the missed entry(s)
    • Click 'Transfer'

3. Mark it as 'Reconciled'

  • In Parakeet AP FINAL Clearing Account
    • Find the transaction
    • Click and then 'Mark as Reconciled' 

  • In Parakeet AP INTERIM Clearing Account
    • Find the corresponding entry
    • Click and then 'Mark as Reconciled'